The Centre for Innovation and Development in Planth Health (CIDSAV) is a research centre of the University of Girona located at the University’s Research and Innovation Park with the primary aim of carrying out research, services, transfer, training and dissemination in the field of plant health.
Main aspects are the advice on the phytosanitary quality of plant materials marketed by nurseries and seed producers, the diagnosis and proper application of disease control measures during production, storage and commercialization of plant products.
CIDSAV wants to implement innovation in disease diagnosis and control methods in integrated crop production. CIDSAV has the facilities and Official Permits for working with plant pathogens considered of quarantine (EPPO A2 list) and with GMO plants.
The CIDSAV facilities include two SL2 level biosafety laboratories (EPPO PM3/64 2006 criteria), one located at the greenhouse of the Research and Innovation Park of the UdG and another at the Institute of Food and Agricultural Technology of the University of Girona at the Montilivi Campus. There is also a biosafety greenhouse authorized by the Directorate General of Agriculture and Livestock, of the Council of Agriculture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, for research with quarantine pathogens in the European Union and with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). CIDSAV has a specific authorization for working with Xylella fastidiosa in the laboratory and with inoculated plants in the biosafety greenhouse.
The CIDSAV has achieved a balance between private contracts with industry and basic and applied research. One of the aims of our collaboration with the private sector is that it is technologically challenging and related to our field of interest. Our reward is applying the experience and knowledge we have acquired from research projects to the pesticide industry, growers, cooperatives, nurseries, etc…
Currently, we carry out collaborative agreements with a range of companies and institutions to complete a wide range of services covering most part of plant health.
The CIDSAV is currently developing publicly funded research projects acquired in competitive calls. These projects are grouped into three lines of research consisting of: (1) the study of the efficacy and environmental impact of biopesticide products developed by our group against vine and peach diseases, (2) the pathogenicity of isolates of Xylella fastidiosa, and (3) the development of control methods with antimicrobial and functional peptides administered to plants by endotherapy against diseases caused by X. fastidiosa (sudden death of the olive tree, Pierce’s disease of grapevine, Prunus leaf scorch) and Ca. Liberibacter spp. (citrus greening or Huanglongbing).
Dr. Emilio Montesinos Seguí
Emilio Montesinos is currently Professor of Plant Pathology and Microbiology at the University of Girona (Spain)(since 1986), and was visiting Researcher in INRA (Angers, France)(1990) and Department of Plant Pathology at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA)(1994). His area of research and development is focused on Plant Pathology (epidemiology and biological control), in the field of biopesticides (beneficial microorganisms and antimicrobial and plant defence elicitor peptides), for the control of plant quarantine bacteria of economical importance. He is author of up to 100 scientific papers in SCI Journals (H-index 34) and editor/contributor in several books. He contributed to the development of novel biopesticides with proven efficacy against several fungal and bacterial plant diseases, and some of them are under exploitation. He is inventor in several patents, and has been member of expertise panels of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and of the Plant Health Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). He was President of the Spanish Society of Plant Pathology (2000-2004) and currently he is a Honorary Member. He was honoured with the Narcís Monturiol Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya to his scientific contribution to Plant Health (2012).
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Beatriz Gascón Sangüesa defends her Doctoral Thesis
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Invited presentacion by CIDSAV at the Xylella seminars
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CIDSAV participation at the RECAM 2024 meeting at the University of Barcelona
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CIDSAV members took part in XXI Spanish Phytopathological Society (SEF) congress
From the 16th to 19th of September of 2024, XXI Spanish Phytopathological Society (SEF) congress took place in Córdoba Congress Palace. The congress covered all […]
Núria Giralt, PhD student from CIDSAV, completes the COST MiCropBiomes Action stay at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland
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Participation of CIDSAV in the 1st annual conference of the MiCropBiome COST Action
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CIDSAV attendance at the 41 phytosanitary products conference at IQS
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Participation of CIDSAV in the III Biology Conferences of Girona
The 4th of July, the III Biology Conferences of Girona was held, organized by the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB), in the Faculty of Sciences […]
Phone: 639 763 764
E-mail: emilio.montesinos@udg.edu
Phone: 972 41 9648
E-mail: laura.montesinos@udg.edu
Phone: 972 41 8877
E-mail: esther.badosa@udg.edu
Research and Innovation Park of the University of Girona
Edifici Jaume Casademont. Porta E, 4t
Pic de Peguera 15 (la Creueta)
17003 Girona
Telf. 639763764 – Telf. 972418476