Isidre Llorente Cabratosa, PhD.

Isidre Llorente is Associate Professor of Crop Protection at the University of Girona (UdG). He was visiting Researcher in the Plant Pathology Laboratory of the Public University of Navarra (UPNA), National Research Institute for Agriculture (INRA) of Angers (France), and in the Plant Protection Service of Emilia Romagna Region in Bologna (Italy). His research interest are in the fields of epidemiology and modelling of plant diseases. He is a researcher at the Plant Pathology group of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Technology of the UdG and member of the consolidated research group (2017SGR00784) recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya. His current research focuses on epidemiology and sustainable management of bacterial and fungal diseases in seed and stone fruit trees using predictive models and biological control agents, as well as the effect of climate change on these diseases. He is participating in research projects obtained in competitive calls at international and national level.  He is co-author of several scientific articles in journals referred to in the SCI, and several dissemination articles and book chapters.