Participation of CIDSAV members in the 1st BeXyl Project General Assembly

On November 15 and 16, the members of the BeXyl project held their first general assembly in Madrid. The project’s progress and planning the following steps, considering possible adjustments and proposing new forms of cooperation and cross-fertilization between the different working groups was the main objective of this assembly.

Throughout six meetings, related to the work packages, such as the factors that drive Xf epidemics in Europe, new strategies and methods for monitoring and early detection of the bacterium, how to increase the resistance of plants to infection, and the environmental, social, and economic impact of the bacterium, among others, were discussed. Emilio Montesinos, from CIDSAV and Sthepan Compant from AITT are responsible of the topic “Economically and environmental innovative solutions for effective control of X. fastidiosa and increase of plant resilience to X. fastidiosa infection”.

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