Participation of CIDSAV members at the 4th European conference on Xylella fastidiosa

From the 19th to the 20th of August the 4th European conference on Xylella fastidiosa was celebrated in Lyon (France) organized by EFSA. This conference brought together around 300 researchers, risk assessors, risk managers and stakeholders in person and online to discuss the results from the research that has taken place since X. fastidiosa was first detected in Europe in 2013.

During the development of the conference sessions and discussions covered themes such as pathogen biology, epidemiology modelling, detection tools, vectors biology and sustainable control methods for prevention and reduction of the impact of X. fastidiosa diseases.

The researcher Luis Moll represented the research group and presented the work titled “Novel target-oriented peptides with potential for infection control strategies against X. fastidiosa”.

For more information about the conference: