CIDSAV members took part in the 14th ICPPB congress

From the 3rd to 8th of July of 2022 the 14th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria took place in Assisi, Italy. In this conference, the latest progress related to phytopathogenic bacteria in either basic or applied science were presented and discussed. Some of the topics were related to disease control and prevention, molecular plant-bacteria interactions, nanotechnology, etc.

Several members of the CIDSAV group performed four different contributions at the conference. Emilio Montesinos was invited to present a keynote talk titled “Bacterial disease prevention and control. Challenges and future prospects”. Laura Montesinos presented a poster titled “Target oriented functional peptides to control diseases caused by plant-pathogenic bacteria” and did a short oral presentation explaining it. Finally, Luis Moll and Laura Foix presented a poster each which were titled “Peptides with multifunctional activities to protect plants against Xylella fastidiosa infections” and “Prunus persica plant endogenous peptides PpPep1 and PpPep2 cause PTI-like transcriptome reprogramming in peach and enchance resistance to Xanthomonas arborícola pv. pruni”, respectively.

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