The companies of collaborative consumption (CC) propose new formulas of transactions, becoming an alternative to the traditional
commercial model. Companies that operated according to this paradigm are founding their business on a digital platform that enables a match between two peers, where one provides a service and the another consumes it. Therefore, customers might doubt about the reliability of this data. Therefore, our goal is to improve quality in CC companies worldwide.
In this website you will find all the information about the project CCQual (Improvement of quality in collaborative consumption companies) of the University of Girona (UdG) and International University of Catalunya (UIC). Independently whether you are an academic profile looking for information about our research, publications and outcoming events; or you are an enterprise interested on innovate and improve your service quality performance you might find all the information here.
The aim of this project is to create and transfer a new tool to evaluate the service quality offered by sharing economic companies. This project contributes to the study and development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically, the goal number 8 which is “decent work and economic growth” and the goal number 12 “responsible consumption and production”. CCQual iniciative is funded by the Spanish Minister of Science, innovation ans Universities.
Ph.D. Frederic Marimon Ph.D. Josep Llach
Funding Sources