Three CIDSAV Researchers Participate in the VIII Predoctoral Conference of the University of Girona

From June 17 to 20, the VIII Predoctoral Conference of the University of Girona was held, this year focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). During these conferences, three researchers from the Center for Research and Development in Plant Health (CIDSAV) presented their research.

Doctoral student Pau Caravaca presented the work entitled “Effect of LPS-binding peptides on bactericidal activity against Xylella fastidiosa.”

Doctoral student Núria Giralt presented her research “Peptides as a tool to reduce the motility of the phytopathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa.”

Finally, visiting student Tomasso presented his work “Advancing Arabidopsis hydroponics for root exudates collection and indirect strigolactones assay via Phelipanche ramosa germination.”