Participation of CIDSAV in the III Biology Conferences of Girona

The 4th of July, the III Biology Conferences of Girona was held, organized by the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB), in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Girona.

The objective of these conferences was to share the research that is being carried out in Girona in the fields of Biology, Biotechnology and Biomedicine and to be able to create a space for debate and exchange of ideas.

The conference was divided into different areas, where presentations related to Microbiology, Biomedicine and Environmental and Plant Biology were made.

One more year CIDSAV research center has participated, this time with the oral presentation “Optimization of a screening platform to identify defense-eliciting peptides in Prunus dulcis” presented by Núria Giralt, PhD student at CIDSAV.