Ms. Àngels Masip Piñol

Àngels Masip Piñol got a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural and Food Engineering (2020) and she obtained a master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering (2022) at the University of Lleida. She did the master’s degree in Food Biotechnology (2021-2022) at the University of Girona, where she is doing the Master’s Final Project which focuses on the investigation of the activity of antimicrobial peptides against the fungus Alternaria sp. Currently, she works in the Plant Pathology-CIDSAV group associated with the project PDC2021-120778-100 “Valorización de una tecnología de manejo sostenible de bacteriosis de los frutales de hueso basada en la aplicación de biopéptidos y un sistema de predicción de la enfermedad – SuMaCROP”.