About Us


The Research Groups

The Quality and Innovation in Service Excellence (QISE) is a research group that started in July 2016 in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC). The co-founder members merged their previous experience in order to enhance their research lines: quality management, knowledge management and entrepreneurship. In 2017, it was promoted as an official research group by AGAUR (ref: QISE: 2017 SGR 637).

The specific line related to the current project is the first one: Quality Management. Our work in this field started in 2003 with a project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Its purpose was the impact of the quality management in the Spanish Industry. Since then, five consecutives projects have supported our research Each project led to the next one.

The current project is the last of this consecutive projects set.
In all those almost twenty years, the core has been the same, analysed from different lens, according to the evolution of the topic. The first approach was the analysis of the management standards. Next, the kernel was the measurement of quality in services, and particularly those that are provided online. Next the services hybrids, where both online and offline operations are required.


The research group named technological innovation and production systems (Innovació Tecnològica al SistemaProductiu (GITASP) is a research group that started in 2017 at the Department of Business Administration and Product Design at the University of Girona (UdG). The research group was promoted as an official research group by the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2017 (ref: 2017 SGR 0385). It's composed of 16 professors from well-recognized universities with previous experience in innovation, the main line of research of this group.

The aim of this project is enhancing innovation from different aspects such as business innovation; innovation in the construction sector; medical innovation and Innovation in process engineering and production systems.

The UdG has focused its research on business administration developing different activities such as specific training, book publications, and international project (likewise European Manufacturing Survey). Our main interest now is the analysis of service quality in new business models such as sharing economy and collaborative consumption.