Dr. Martí Casadesús Fa is a Professor in the Department of Business Management and Product Development at the University of Girona. He studied Industrial Engineering (UPC) and holds a Doctorate in Industrial engineering (UdG).
Research focused on “Quality Management”. He is also one of the Spanish experts on the Technical Committee 176 of ISO (International Organisation for Standardization), which is dedicated to the creation of new standards of management systems. He is currently co-director of the research group GREP (Research Group in Product, process and production) at the University of Girona. This group is devoted to the design of new planning and management of production systems, as well as quality management.
He has been vice-dean at the Polytechnic School and vice-rector for Planning & Quality at the University of Girona. He is currently the director of AQU Catalunya and Secretariat of INQAAHE's Board (International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education).
Research Overview
Research is focused on quality management. Several publications in research journal as: Total Quality Management, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, The TQM Magazine, International Journal of Operations & Management,...
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