Presentation - SIMPOSIO OBRA CONGRUA, 1416

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The DOCOGOTHIC Network, together with the CATS research group and the IRH-2014 SGR 110 Project, call on the national and International scientific community to participate in the symposium ‘Obra Congrua’ to commemorate 600 years of the famous consultation on the construction of Girona Cathedral, in which it was debated whether the Cathedral should be built with three naves instead of only one, the widest nave of the Gothic period. This will be an International symposium of multidisciplinary character open to historians, architects, and engineers in which  Spanish and European Gothic buildings will be analysed, taking as a reference the  Girona Cathedral master builders’ consultation held in 1416. Papers will be evaluated by a scientific committee following peer review. It is our intention to publish both guest papers and accepted papers.
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